Friday, November 30, 2012

We have met the Cape Doctor!

We are on day three of our refresh time in Cape Town. The last two days has been sunny and warm but with the brutal south east wind ripping over Table Mountain known as the Cape Doctor. So called because it cleans all the smog out to sea. There were gusts of 50+ km that come suddenly and knock you off your feet. We still did the double decker bus tour both days. Shopping yesterday and the Kirstenbosch Gardens today. Feeling a little wind and sun weathered now.

We had dinner with our friends Ian and Joan Proudfoot last night. It was good to catch up with them. We met them on our first junket to Mpumalanga in 2010 when Ian was a family physician at ACTS clinic. He now works for Medicins sans Frontières in Kyelitscha township outside of Cape Town. Joan has a private practice in therapy and spiritual direction in Cape Town.

Sandra is feeling another step better today. Thanks for your prayers. It is hard soul work listening to some of the trauma and stress of many of the folks we encountered. She is just beginning to feel like herself again. One of the challenges is how to focus our time here in ministry. We probably need to say no to more of the opportunities and rest more. There are so many needs and so many differing opinions about what and how things could and should be done.

Tomorrow we will just spend time at the ocean. Then winging home Sunday and Monday.


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