Saturday, November 17, 2012

Days of connecting and adjusting

We have had a good couple of days here to settle in before the team arrives and the action starts. Wonderful visits with our friends Kobus and Jeanette de Wit. I travelled out with Kobus to pick up a truck full of donated veggies from a huge farm for distribution to various missions feeding orphans. He called this "gentleman gleaning" I. E. The farm hands did the loading! Though I toted a few crates of beets and carrots. Sandra went with Jeanette to pick up some wool for the ladies' group.

We have had a visit with E, a 15 year old boy who lives at the Potter's House (a small renovated shack that houses 8 orphaned kids). The de Wits thought we might help them understand what's going on for this very shut down boy. I admit I felt a bit anxious with what I heard and being fifteen with no English. The Lord showed up and led us through a conversation about his strengths (football- enjoyed watching him light up about that) and then to some of the tough stuff. The number of losses this boy has had was staggering. We had Bongani, an older boy as an excellent translator. At the end, the when I asked him what he would most remember from our time together, he replied that he had the chance to talk about losing his grandmother. I hope we will visit with him another time or two. We also found out that he has had difficulty with school because he doesn't have a birth certificate because his alcoholic father burnt the house down after the mother abandoned the family. Jeannette is going to work this out.

We haven't had Internet at our guest house. So these reports are going to be delayed. We have had some sleep issues as well. (I'm writing this at 445 am!)

We have been well taken care of, have had lots of laughter and are grateful.


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